
From Four Job Fiesta Wiki
Revision as of 07:42, 22 October 2022 by Samurai Goroh (talk | contribs) (Incorporating Template table (Table_job_statistic))
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List Base stat Modifier
Strength 43 +19
Agility 12 -12
Stamina 26 +2
Magic 43 +19


Samurai is acquired after the shattering of the Earth Crystal.

In the Fiesta

Samurai is a job with a very useful toolset. Samurai's equipment selection and inherent Shihiradori (Blade Grasp) allows it to handle physical attacks extremely well. With the Golden Shield from the Ronkan Ruins, an Elven Mantle, and the Samurai's inherent Shihiradori a Samurai can block physical attacks with a 68.6% chance (shield reduces chance of hitting to 70%, elven mantle by another 33% on a second check, and Shihiradori by another 33% on another check). Many bosses rely on these attacks for damage and being able to ignore this damage will help immensely. !Mineuchi is a gimmick attack that functions differently based on version, so it rarely finds a use. !Gil Toss is a powerful ability that will allow Samurai to pay to win any fight.