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Enemy Status
NAME Shinryu
Elemental Immunity: None
Elemental Absorb: Holy
Elemental Weakness: None
Status Vulnerability: Darkness, Zombie, Float, Image, Mute, Berserk, Regen, Slow, Haste, Shell, Armor, Wall
Initial Status: None
Cannot Evade: None
Creature Type: Dragon, Heavy
Command Vulnerability: None
Special Properties: Critical Attack
Name Shinryu
Level 97
Speed 55500
HP 51000
MP 175
Strength 60
Defense 20
Evasion 60
Magic 128
Magic Defense 95
Magic Evasion 87
Gil {{{12}}}
Exp {{{13}}}
Steal Common: {{{14}}}
Rare: {{{15}}}
Drops Always: {{{16}}}
Rare: {{{17}}}



Attack Script

Condition: V00=01 {
    {Maelstrom, Attack, Roulette}
    {Ice Storm, Atomic Ray, Lightning}
    No Interrupt {
         {Maelstrom, Attack, Roulette}
         {Mighty Guard, Level 2 Old, Level 3 Flare}
    No Interrupt {
         {Attack, Attack, Evil Eye}
         {Attack, Attack, Poison Breath}
No Interrupt {
    Set V00=01
    Tidal Wave
React: Magic: No-Damage Magic {
    Set V00=00
    Zombie Breath
Condition: HP < 20000 & HP Damage {
    {No-Damage Magic, Nothing, Nothing}
