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Revision as of 13:35, 22 October 2022 by Samurai Goroh (talk | contribs)
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Natural can be added to any run. To do so either tweet #natural to Gilgabot after registering or include it in your registration tweet.

What this means it that you intend on playing with these extra rules in mind:

  1. Bartz must use the Wind crystal job exclusively. Lenna the Water, Faris the Fire and Galuf/Krile the Earth.
  2. If you are playing a mode other than Normal you simply assign the job listed in that slot on the players page for your job.
  3. Characters must remain Freelancer until their job is unlocked. Team No 750 players must not break rods.
  4. Characters may not use skills from other jobs. This means no giving Black Magic to Bards and the like. Only skills learned naturally from the one assigned job may be used.