Walse Castle

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North courtyard, with water tower at top right
south courtyard and entrance
entrance hall
Walse Castle Throne Room
eastern exit from Throne Room
nort eastern exit from entrance hall
store room down the stairs from previous room
Library room one, shown standing on switch to open hidden door
Library back room
south eastern exit from entrance hall, switch opens north western door, north eastern exit leads outside to water tower
secret door leads to this interstitial room to courtyard
prison, can open room with werewolf, but you'll miss items later in Jachol Cave
Jackanapes Basement. Put all allies in front row if you don't have thief, you'll always get back attacked
entrance to water tower
interstitial room
yes, this is a separate room
Shiva's room at top of water tower, south exit leads back to Walse courtyard