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Background 23 PC.png
Battle Formation ID: 501
Enemies: Necrophobe
Escape%: Can't Escape
ABP gained: 27
Music Control: Track: The Fierce Battle
Visual Control: Intro: Normal
Parameters: Boss Battle
Denies Mute (Time spell)
Alt. Death animation
Terrain: #23 - Crystal Void
Necrophobe and his supporting barriers
Gilgamesh showing his support. Can steal the Genji Armor from him


Name Necrophobe Barrier
Level 66 44 93
Speed 47 1 88
HP 44044 8800 55000
MP 10000 300 60000
Strength 99 100 115
Defense 50 30 35
Evasion 10 0 30
Magic 50 5 0
Magic Defense 50 10 0
Magic Evasion 75 10 0
Gil 0 0 0
Exp 0 0 0
Steal Common: Elixir
Rare: Thief's Gloves
Common: Nothing
Rare: Nothing
Common: Genji Armor
Rare: Nothing
Drops Always: Nothing
Rare: Luminous Robe
Always: Hi-Potion
Rare: Reflect Ring
Always: Nothing
Rare: Nothing


Enemy Status
NAME Necrophobe Barrier
Elemental Immunity: None Earth None
Elemental Absorb: None None None
Elemental Weakness: Fire, Ice, Lightning, Poison, Holy, Earth, Wind, Water None None
Status Vulnerability: Darkness, Zombie, Float, Image, Mute, Regen, Slow, Haste, Shell, Armor, Wall Petrify, Dead, Mute, Regen, Slow, Haste, Stop, Shell, Armor, Wall None
Initial Status: Invulnerable (Always) Wall None
Cannot Evade: None None None
Creature Type: Heavy Heavy Humanoid, Heavy
Command Vulnerability: HP Scan None None
Special Properties: Vacuum Wave (+50% Attack, HP Leak) Critical Attack Critical Attack


Necrophobe guards the last save point before the Final Boss and many teams will confront him as a penultimate challenge. This fight is manageable as long as the party member can survive a single Holy or Flare they can power through this fight. If the party confronted Gilgamesh (Exdeath Castle - Morphing Time) then Gilgamesh will appear after enough damage has been dealt to Necrophobe to finish the fight after a lugubrious speech.

Attack Script


Condition: V02=01 {
    No Interrupt{
         Display Text: Necrophobe: Enough of this. Die!
         Change Target: Gilgamesh
         Change Target: Gilgamesh
         No-Damage Magic
Condition: V01=01 & Alone {
Condition: V01=01 {
    Change Target: Gilgamesh
    {Special, Firaga, Thundaga}
    Change Target: Gilgamesh
    {Special, Blizzaga, Attack}
Condition: V00=02 {
    No Interrupt {
         {Attack, Attack, Hurricane}
         {Attack, Attack, Special}
    No Interrupt {
         {Attack, Attack, Special}
         {Attack, Attack, Special}
    No Interrupt {
         {Attack, Attack, Hurricane}
         {Attack, Attack, Special}
    No Interrupt {
         {Attack, Attack, Special}
         {Attack, Attack, Death}
Condition: Alone {
    Display Text: Necrophobe: invincible barriers...
    Display Text: You've left me with no choice!
    Display Text: Have a taste of my true power...
    Display Text: ...It's all you can eat!
    Set V00=02
Condition: V00=01 {

Display Text: Necrophobe: Hahaha! With these barriers,
Display Text: I've achieved invincibility!
Display Text: Do you really believe you can defeat me?
Set V00=01

React: Death & Condition: Alone {
    Display Text: Necrophobe: E...Ex...!
Condition: HP < 9999 & V01=00 & HP Damage & React:?? {
    No Interrupt{
         Change Music
         Unhide Monster: Gilgamesh
         Display Text: <Bartz>: Wha Gilgamesh!?
         Display Text: Gilgamesh: Made it!
         Display Text: Gilgamesh: Why hello there! Surprised to see me?
         Display Text: Hah! If I'd just left you in the lurch, I'd look like a jerk for all of history!
         Display Text: Thought I'd let that happen? As if!
         Display Text: Necrophobe: Hmph... You've a big mouth.
         Display Text: If you're so eager to fight,
         Display Text: you can be the first to die!
         Set V01=01


Change Target: Single Enemy with Reflect
{Flare, Holy, Flare}
Change Target: All enemies with Reflect
{Firaga, Thundaga, Blizzaga}
Change Target: Single Enemy with Reflect
{Holy, Flare, Holy}
Change Target: All enemies with Reflect
{Firaga, Thundaga, Blizzaga}


Condition: V02=01 {
Condition: V03=01 {
    Display Text: Gilgamesh: Lenna!
    Display Text: Always so selfless towards animals...
    Display Text: Never lose that pure heart!
    Display Text: Lenna: ...
    Display Text: Gilgamesh: And <Bartz>...
    Display Text: I wanted to fight you one more time,
    Display Text: mano-a-mano.
    Display Text: You have admirable companions. I envy you.
    Display Text: <Bartz>: Gilgamesh...
    Change Target: Self
    Status Recovery
    Set V02=01
    Change Target: Self
    Status Recovery

Display Text: Gilgamesh: Oh really? Just try it, Baldy!
Display Text: You cannot even hold a birthday candle 
Display Text: to the blazing flame of my winning spirit!
Display Text: Gilgamesh: Krile!
Display Text: Your grandfather...
Display Text: ...he was a pretty strong guy!
Display Text: Krile: Grandpa...
Display Text: Gilgamesh: And you, Faris!
Display Text: You must fall in love, or something,
Display Text: and try acting a little like a woman if you still know how!
Display Text: Faris: Hey...
Set V03=01
Change Target: Self
Status Recovery

React: Magic: No-Damage Magic {
    No Interrupt{
         Display Text: Gilgamesh: *snort!*
         Display Text: I believe that's MY line!!!
         Change Target: Single Enemy at Back Row
         END BATTLE


The party needs to first defeat the 4 barriers to remove Necrophobe's invincibility before killing him. The biggest problem with this fight is being able to survive a single Flare or Holy. Many teams need to have 1,650 HP to survive the final boss's Almagest anyway, so this is not a difficult barrier to cross if the player has prepared for the final boss. As long as that hurdle can be cleared a party equipped with 4 Hermes Sandals can overcome Necrophobe's action economy to pick themselves back up and demolish the barriers before Necrophobe himself. Gilgamesh can show up once Necrophobe is below 10,000 HP, but it mostly serves to lengthen the fight while allowing the player to acquire the Genji Armor.