Cray Claw

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Background 21 PC.png
Battle Formation ID: 506
Enemies: Cray Claw
Escape%: Can't Escape
ABP gained: 5
Music Control: Track: The Fierce Battle
Visual Control: Intro: Normal
Parameters: Boss Battle
Terrain: #21 - Shipwreck (Day)
Cray Claw


Name Cray Claw
Level 43
Speed 40
HP 2000
MP 500
Strength 37
Defense 25
Evasion 0
Magic 1
Magic Defense 25
Magic Evasion 10
Gil 0
Exp 0
Steal Common: Coral Sword
Rare: Nothing
Drops Always: Frost Bow
Rare: Nothing


Enemy Status
NAME Cray Claw
Elemental Immunity: None
Elemental Absorb: Water
Elemental Weakness: Lightning
Status Vulnerability: Darkness, Zombie, Poison, Float, Petrify, Dead, Image, Mute, Berserk, Charm, Paralyze, Sleep, Aging, Regen, Slow, Haste, Stop, Shell, Armor, Wall
Initial Status: None
Cannot Evade: None
Creature Type: Creature, Heavy
Command Vulnerability: HP Scan
Special Properties: Critical Attack


Man, this boss sure is familiar, right? As a mid-game boss its stats have been suitably increased, but its weaknesses are the same as Karlaboss way back at the start of the game. If you have lightning you can breeze past Cray Craw, but most classes can win a damage race.

Attack Script

{Tail Screw, Tail Screw, Attack}
{Tail Screw, Tail Screw, Attack}
{Tail Screw, Slimer, Attack}


Lightning carves straight through Cray Claw, and as long as you throw a potion at whoever gets hit with Tail Screw you should be fine. Knights and mystic knights have coral swords, Rangers have Thunder Bows, and Ninjas can throw Thunder Scrolls if you got a drop (Thunder Anemone). Black Mage, Blue Mage, Red Mage, Summoner, and Time Mage can snap a Thunder Rod (or cast thunder magic). Beastmaster can release Bearaga for a quick win. Cray Claw is also vulnerable to sleep and confuse if you're really struggling and have a white mage or bard.