
From Four Job Fiesta Wiki
Revision as of 13:52, 10 November 2022 by Samurai Goroh (talk | contribs) (Implementing Abilities and Commands tables)
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List Base stat Modifier
Strength 33 +9
Agility 30 +6
Stamina 30 +6
Magic 28 +4


Level Ability ABP needed
ABP needed
Description Notes
1 ! Open Fire 50 50 Shoot one enemy. Can cast one of 4 attacks: Black shot (inflicts Darkness), Purple shot (inflicts Poison), Red shot (inflicts Confusion), X shot (inflicts Death, can kill Undead).
2 EXP Up 150 200 Gain one and a half times the experience per battle. Would had been great if it was innate.
3 ! Combine 300 500 Mix and fire off explosives that damage all enemies. Not to be confused with Chemist's !Mix
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 -


# Command
1 ! Attack
2 ! Open Fire
4 ! Items

Note: An empty command slot can be used to insert any learned ability, including duplicates.


After you have unlocked all 12 legendary weapons in the GBA version, dive south of the Phantom Village (where there are bubbles popping) and you will find the bonus dungeon.

In the Fiesta