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List Base stat Modifier
Strength 33 +9
Agility 30 +6
Stamina 30 +6
Magic 28 +4


Level Ability ABP needed
ABP needed
Description Notes
1 ! Open Fire 50 50 Shoot one enemy. Can cast one of 4 attacks: Black shot (inflicts Darkness), Purple shot (inflicts Poison), Red shot (inflicts Confusion), X shot (inflicts Death, can kill Undead).
2 EXP Up 150 200 Gain one and a half times the experience per battle. Would had been great if it was innate.
3 ! Combine 300 500 Mix and fire off explosives that damage all enemies. Not to be confused with Chemist's !Mix
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 -


# Command
1 ! Attack
2 ! Open Fire
4 ! Items

Note: An empty command slot can be used to insert any learned ability, including duplicates.


After you have unlocked all 12 legendary weapons in the GBA version, dive south of the Phantom Village (where there are bubbles popping) and you will find the bonus dungeon.

In the Fiesta



This is like a simplified version of Chemist's !Mix skill. Instead of using any 2 items from a group, you use an item and a level of a shot.

You start with the shot, each one increasing its power from its previous iteration:

  • Buckshot (level 1)
  • Blastshot (level 2)
  • Blitzshot (level 3)

Note: Unless you are doing controlled damage or run out of items, is best just to always go with the Blitzshot.

Then, there are 16 different items you can combine them with:

  • Shuriken
  • Fuma Shuriken
  • Ash
  • Turtle Shell
  • Dragon Fang
  • Dark Matter
  • Gold Needle
  • Mallet
  • Goliath Tonic
  • Power Drink
  • Speed Shake
  • Iron Draft
  • Hero Cocktail
  • Flame Scroll
  • Water Scroll
  • Lightning Scroll


This is the chart with all 48 combinations, remember that since the type of shot determines the strength of the attack, there are practically a third of them (16), the only exception is when using a Dark Matter, each level does a different effect.

Combine damage formula:

    Attack = Base Attack + (0 .. (Base Attack / 8))
    M = ((Level*Level) / 256) + 4
    Damage = Attack * M, max = 9999
Combine Effect Item 1 Item 2
Normal Shot 80 base damage Buckshot Shuriken
Normal Burst 160 base damage Blastshot Shuriken
Normal Cannon 210 base damage Blitzshot Shuriken
Killer Shot 80 base damage
M doubles if creature type is Humanoid
Buckshot Fuma Shuriken
Killer Burst 170 base damage
M doubles if creature type is Humanoid
Blastshot Fuma Shuriken
Killer Cannon 215 base damage
M doubles if creature type is Humanoid
Blitzshot Fuma Shuriken
Dark Shot 70 base damage
Inflicts Darkness status
Buckshot Ash
Dark Burst 160 base damage
Inflicts Darkness status
Blastshot Ash
Dark Cannon 200 base damage
Inflicts Darkness status
Blitzshot Ash
Slow Shot 65 base damage
Inflicts Slow status
Buckshot Turtle Shell
Slow Burst 160 base damage
Inflicts Slow status
Blastshot Turtle Shell
Slow Cannon 200 base damage
Inflicts Slow status
Blitzshot Turtle Shell
Dragon Shot 80 base damage
M doubles if creature type is Dragon
Buckshot Dragon Fang
Dragon Burst 170 base damage
M doubles if creature type is Dragon
Blastshot Dragon Fang
Dragon Cannon 215 base damage
M doubles if creature type is Dragon
Blitzshot Dragon Fang
Chaos Shot 70 base damage
Inflicts Confuse status
Buckshot Dark Matter
Chaos Burst 145 base damage
Inflicts Poison status
Blastshot Dark Matter
Chaos Cannon 185 base damage
Inflicts Death status
Blitzshot Dark Matter
Needle Shot Deals 1000 fixed damage Buckshot Gold Needle
Needle Burst Deals 2000 fixed damage Blastshot Gold Needle
Needle Cannon Deals 3000 fixed damage Blitzshot Gold Needle
Mini Shot 40 base damage
Inflicts Mini status
Buckshot Mallet
Mini Burst 135 base damage
Inflicts Mini status
Blastshot Mallet
Mini Cannon 175 base damage
Inflicts Mini status
Blitzshot Mallet
Quake Shot 80 base damage
Earth elemental
Buckshot Goliath Tonic
Quake Burst 170 base damage
Earth elemental
Blastshot Goliath Tonic
Quake Cannon 215 base damage
Earth elemental
Blitzshot Goliath Tonic
Power Shot 65 base damage
Inflicts Berserk status
Buckshot Power Drink
Power Burst 160 base damage
Inflicts Berserk status
Blastshot Power Drink
Power Cannon 200 base damage
Inflicts Berserk status
Blitzshot Power Drink
Silver Shot 65 base damage
Inflicts Aging status
Buckshot Speed Shake
Silver Burst 160 base damage
Inflicts Aging status
Blastshot Speed Shake
Silver Cannon 200 base damage
Inflicts Aging status
Blitzshot Speed Shake
Vulner Shot 80 base damage
Defense and Magic Defense halves
Buckshot Iron Draft
Vulner Burst 160 base damage
Defense and Magic Defense halves
Blastshot Iron Draft
Vulner Cannon 200 base damage
Defense and Magic Defense halves
Blitzshot Iron Draft
Divine Shot 85 base damage
Holy elemental
Buckshot Hero Cocktail
Divine Burst 175 base damage
Holy elemental
Blastshot Hero Cocktail
Divine Cannon 225 base damage
Holy elemental
Blitzshot Hero Cocktail
Flame Shot 80 base damage
Fire elemental
Buckshot Flame Scroll
Flame Burst 170 base damage
Fire elemental
Blastshot Flame Scroll
Flame Cannon 220 base damage
Fire elemental
Blitzshot Flame Scroll
Water Shot 80 base damage
Water elemental
Buckshot Water Scroll
Water Burst 170 base damage
Water elemental
Blastshot Water Scroll
Water Cannon 220 base damage
Water elemental
Blitzshot Water Scroll
Spark Shot 80 base damage
Lightning elemental
Buckshot Lightning Scroll
Spark Burst 170 base damage
Lightning elemental
Blastshot Lightning Scroll
Spark Cannon 220 base damage
Lightning elemental
Blitzshot Lightning Scroll

Note: Combine does magical damage (damage formula $06) and it will always hit.
Note: Status is always 75% chance to inflict while an enemy is not immune to effects.