Red Mage

From Four Job Fiesta Wiki
Revision as of 15:15, 9 October 2022 by Kasbald (talk | contribs)
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List Base stat Modifier
Str 32 +8
Mag 32 +8
Agi 29 +5
Vit 18 -6


Red Mage is acquired after the Water Crystal is destroyed

In the Fiesta

Red Mage is a quirky class in the fiesta setting that rewards deep game knowledge. Its equipment and Magic access allows it access to a wide toolkit that leaves it with a trick for just about every fight. While Red Mage's stats are awful, they are just enough. Dualcast is not always useful for a party, but from the moment Red Mage is unlocked the player should ask themself if it will be useful and if it is then dedicate a character to it for the entire game to eventually unlock it at the end of the game.