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Background 06 PC.png
Battle Formation ID: 448
Enemies: Adamantoise
Escape%: Can't Escape
ABP gained: 5
Music Control: Track: The Fierce Battle
Visual Control: Intro: Normal
Parameters: Boss Battle
Terrain: #06 - Cave


Name Adamantoise
Level 20
Speed 30
HP 2000
MP 125
Strength 31
Defense 25
Evasion 0
Magic 0
Magic Defense 5
Magic Evasion 50
Gil 0
Exp 0
Steal Common: Iron Draft
Rare: Nothing
Drops Always: Turtle Shell
Rare: Nothing


Enemy Status
NAME Adamantoise
Elemental Immunity: None
Elemental Absorb: None
Elemental Weakness: Ice
Status Vulnerability: Darkness, Poison, Dead, Image, Mute, Berserk, Aging, Regen, Slow, Haste, Shell, Armor, Wall
Initial Status: Shell, Armor
Cannot Evade: None
Creature Type: None
Command Vulnerability: HP Scan
Special Properties: Critical Attack


Adamantoise boasts a monsterous defensive profile, but like any reptile it is weak to ice. Be prepared for a long, drawn out confrontation if you don't have any way past its massive defense.

Attack Script

No Interrupt {
{Attack, Attack, Special}
No Interrupt {
{Attack, Attack, Special}


Adamantoise boasts impressive physical power, so putting the entire party in the back row will help mitigate that. Blue Mage, Beastmaster, and Berserker have instant death to end this fight. Black Mage, Blue Mage, Red Mage, Summoner, Mystic Knight, and Ranger have access to ice to pierce Adamantoise's defenses.