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Background 11 PC.png
Battle Formation ID: 499
Enemies: Azulmagia
Escape%: Can't Escape
ABP gained: 22
Music Control: Track: The Fierce Battle
Visual Control: Intro: Normal
Parameters: Boss Battle
Denies Mute (Time spell)
Alt. Death animation
Terrain: #11 - Inhabitated Castle (Interior)
I'm blue, da ba dee da ba di


Name Azulmagia
Level 57
Speed 45
HP 27900
MP 50000
Strength 65
Defense 30
Evasion 10
Magic 50
Magic Defense 70
Magic Evasion 33
Gil 0
Exp 0
Steal Common: Elixir
Rare: Titan's Gloves
Drops Always: Nothing
Rare: Black Cowl


Enemy Status
NAME Azulmagia
Elemental Immunity: None
Elemental Absorb: None
Elemental Weakness: Poison
Status Vulnerability: Darkness, Zombie, Float, Image, Regen, Haste, Shell, Armor, Wall
Initial Status: None
Cannot Evade: None
Creature Type: Heavy
Command Vulnerability: HP Scan
Special Properties: Critical Attack



Attack Script

Condition: V00=01 & Status: Self: Toad {
    Change Target: Self
Condition: V00=01 {
    {Level 3 Flare, Level 3 Flare, Dark Spark}
    {Level 3 Flare, Level 3 Flare, Off-Guard}
    {Level 3 Flare, Level 3 Flare, Goblin Punch}
    Set V00=00
    {Level 3 Flare, Level 3 Flare, Mind Blast}
Condition: V00=02 {
    {Aeroga, Aeroga, Doom}
    {Aeroga, Aeroga, Roulette}
    {Aeroga, Aeroga, Aero}
    Set V00=00
    {Aeroga, Aeroga, Level 2 Old}
Condition: V00=03 {
    {1000 Needles, 1000 Needles, Level 5 Death}
    {1000 Needles, 1000 Needles, Level 4 Graviga}
    Set V00=00
    {1000 Needles, 1000 Needles, Mighty Guard}
Condition: V00=04 {
    {Vampire, Vampire, Lilliputian Lyric}
    {Vampire, Vampire, Flash}
    Set V00=00
    {Vampire, Vampire, ???}
Condition: V00=05 {
    {Aqua Breath, Aqua Breath, Aera}
    {Aqua Breath, Aqua Breath, Flame Thrower}
    {Aqua Breath, Aqua Breath, Pond's Chorus}
    Set V00=00
    {Aqua Breath, Aqua Breath, Missile}
Condition: V00=06 {
    {Magic Hammer, Magic Hammer, Time Slip}
    {Magic Hammer, Magic Hammer, Death Claw}
    Set V00=00
    {Magic Hammer, Magic Hammer, White Wind}
Condition: V00=07 {

{Dark Spark, Off-Guard, Mind Blast}
{Doom, Roulette, Level 2 Old}
{Level 5 Death, Level 4 Graviga, Mighty Guard}
{Lilliputian Lyric, Flash, ???}
{Aera, Flame Thrower, Missile}
{Time Slip, Death Claw, White Wind}

React: Magic: Level 3 Flare {
    Display Text: Learned Level 3 Flare!
    Set V00=01
React: Magic: Aeroga {
    Display Text: Learned Aeroga!
    Set V00=02
React: Magic: 1000 Needles {
    Display Text: Learned 1000 Needles!
    Set V00=03
React: Magic: Vampire {
    Display Text: Learned Vampire!
    Set V00=04
React: Magic: Aqua Breath {
    Display Text: Learned Aqua Breath!
    Set V00=05
React: Magic: Magic Hammer {
    Display Text: Learned Magic Hammer!
    Set V00=06
React: Magic: Self-Destruct {
    Display Text: Learned Self-Destruct!
    Set V00=07
