Famed Mimic Gogo

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Background 29 PC.png
Battle Formation ID: 488
Enemies: Famed Mimic Gogo
Escape%: Can't Escape
ABP gained: 50
Music Control: Track: Mog's Theme
Visual Control: Intro: Normal
Parameters: Boss Battle
Denies Mute (Time spell)
Terrain: #29 - Sunken Walse Tower
Gogo a go go


Name Famed Mimic Gogo
Level 77
Speed 50
HP 47714
MP 60000
Strength 120
Defense 30
Evasion 30
Magic 35
Magic Defense 20
Magic Evasion 99
Gil 0
Exp 0
Steal Common: Leather Armor
Rare: Gold Hairpin
Drops Always: Nothing
Rare: Tiger Mask


Enemy Status
NAME Famed Mimic Gogo
Elemental Immunity: Water
Elemental Absorb: None
Elemental Weakness: Water
Status Vulnerability: Zombie, Float, Image, Mute, Regen, Slow, Haste, Shell, Armor, Wall
Initial Status: None
Cannot Evade: None
Creature Type: Humanoid, Heavy
Command Vulnerability: None
Special Properties: Critical Attack


Did Famed Mimic Gogo acquire the power of the mimic class only to take it to Final Fantasy 6? Perhaps. Are Players required to fight this boss? Only if they rolled Mime in a Pure Chaos run or paid for it in a Job Fair. Is this fight easy? Yes, unless you bring a Berserker that isn't dead/blinded.

Attack Script

Condition: V01=02 {
    No Interrupt {
    No Interrupt{
         Ice Storm
         Aqua Breath
    No Interrupt{
         Ice Storm
         Aqua Breath
Condition: V00=02 {
    Display Text: Gogo: Oh! Bravo, bravo!
    Display Text: Perfect, just lovely!
    Display Text: You've seen me doing nothing,
    Display Text: and are copying that nothing yourselves!
    Display Text: Rather...
    Display Text: you're doing perfectly nothing, perfectly!
    Display Text: Yes! You feel itC387the essence of mimicry!
    Display Text: I give you my blessingC28Eto continue on the true path of imitation!
    Display Text: Adieu!!! Break a leg!
    Change Target: Self
Condition: V00=01 {
    Nothing (for 24 times/turns)
    Set V00=02
Display Text: Gogo: My name is Gogo!
Display Text: Mimic extraordinaire!
Display Text: The basis no, the very soul of mimicry}
Display Text: is the ability to aptly imitate anything,
Display Text: no matter the situation.
Display Text: Thusly, I will imitate your every move!
Display Text: When you attack, I will attack.
Display Text: When you cast a spell, I'll cast a spell.
Display Text: Could you imitate me, you'd certainly win.
Display Text: More likely, it will be curtains for you!
Set V00=01
Condition: HP < 33000 & HP Damage {
    Display Text: Gogo: You uncultured boors!
    Display Text: Know you nothing of an artist's soul?
    Display Text: Cut! Cut! Stop TRYING to mimic!
    Change Music
    Display Text: Start over, recenter, and begin!
    Set V01=02
React: Magic {
    Set V01=01
    {Holy, Flare, Meteor}
React: Physical {
    Set V01=01
    {Attack, Special, Attack}
React: HP Damage {
    Set V01=01
    Status Recovery


Gogo is closer to a theater performer specializing in improvisational theater. If the player provides nothing for him to "yes, and" then Gog crumbles and leaves. Do nothing in the fight and let the clock tick down for a minute and a half and the Player will claim victory. The only twist is when the player is forced to bring a Berserker to this fight, and they will be forced to kill their berserker or blind it.