Gilgamesh 5

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Background 23 PC.png
Battle Formation ID: 405
Enemies: Gilgamesh
Escape%: Can't Escape
ABP gained: 0
Music Control: Track: The Battle
No track change
No fanfare after battle
Visual Control: Intro: Normal
Parameters: None
Terrain: #23 - Crystal Void
Hasta la bye-bye!
Can steal Genji shield from this guy


Name Gilgamesh
Level 59
Speed 47
HP 37000
MP 0
Strength 109
Defense 0
Evasion 5
Magic 0
Magic Defense 35
Magic Evasion 0
Gil 0
Exp 0
Steal Common: Genji Shield
Rare: Nothing
Drops Always: Nothing
Rare: Rune Bow


Enemy Status
NAME Gilgamesh
Elemental Immunity: None
Elemental Absorb: None
Elemental Weakness: None
Status Vulnerability: Regen, Slow, Haste, Shell, Armor, Wall
Initial Status: None
Cannot Evade: None
Creature Type: Humanoid, Heavy
Command Vulnerability: None
Special Properties: Critical Attack (+50% Attack)


In the pentultimate step of Gilgamesh's bizarre adventure, he finds himself lost in the void swinging wildly at any shadow that approaches him. Considering the Behemoths stalking him and their penchant for counterattacks one would think he'd pause for even a second to identify what's approaching him. This assumption, unfortunately, is faulty and the party will be assaulted by Gilgamesh when they walk up to him to ask him to stop blocking the "gate" to the next area. Thankfully, Greg has learned his lesson fighting Behemoths (that magic attacks are countered with a more dangerous Meteor spell) and is lashing out only with physical attacks, and he doesn't have the DPS to threaten any party that can reach the Void. Knock some sense into Gilgamesh to calm him down, maybe steal his Genji Shield on the way, and wave as he leaves.

Attack Script

Condition: HP < 30000 {
    Display Text: Gilgamesh: ...Wait a minute...<Bartz>?
    Display Text: Zounds! 'Tis no beast, just <Bartz>!
    Display Text: You should've just said so from the start!
    Display Text: Oohhh, I don't like it here... Creepy monsters lurk around every corner,
    Display Text: and I can't find the way out...
    Display Text: Cripes...*sniffle*...I'm gonna break down!
    Display Text: Anyway. How did you get here? Or rather, how does one exit?
    Display Text: <Bartz>: Oh, just go that way, then...
    Display Text: Gilgamesh: I see! Let us egress posthaste!
    Change Target: Self: No-Damage Magic
Condition: V00=01 {
    No Interrupt{
         Display Text: Gilgamesh: Take this!
         {Attack, Attack, Nothing}
         {Attack, Attack, Nothing}
    No Interrupt{
         Display Text: Gilgamesh: Rahhh!
         {Attack, Attack, Nothing}
         {Attack, Attack, Nothing}

Display Text: Gilgamesh: Have at thee, vile beast!
Set V00=01

React: Magic: No-Danage Magic {
    Display Text: Say...afterwards, what say we have a few spectacular adventures, just us five?
    Display Text: <Bartz>: ...Um.
    Display Text: Gilgamesh: ...Oh yes, that whole saving the world thing....phooey.
    Display Text: If you make it out safely...
    Display Text: Hah! No ifs about it. I'm certain we'll meet again.
    Display Text: At that time, I hope you'll consider me a...
    Display Text: *cough* Never mind, ha ha!
    Display Text: Hasta la bye-bye!


Gilgamesh's damage comes entire from physical attacks. His damage output is so low that any party that could have reached this point can tank his hits, racing him with Hermes Sandals or equipping Elven Mantles and Shields will allow the player to breeze through this fight and continue on.