Magissa Forza

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Background 16 PC.png
Battle Formation ID: 442
Enemies: Magissa
Escape%: Can't Escape
ABP gained: 6
Music Control: Track: The Fierce Battle
Visual Control: Intro: Normal
Parameters: Boss Battle
Terrain: #16 - Mountain Slopes
Magissa calls Forza if you weaken her enough
Magissa and Forza


Name Magissa Forza
Level 8 8
Speed 30 37
HP 650 850
MP 200 100
Strength 14 14
Defense 0 3
Evasion 0 0
Magic 1 0
Magic Defense 0 5
Magic Evasion 0 0
Gil 0 0
Exp 0 0
Steal Common: Nothing
Rare: Nothing
Common: Nothing
Rare: Nothing
Drops Always: Whip
Rare: Nothing
Always: Power Drink
Rare: Nothing


Enemy Status
NAME Magissa Forza
Elemental Immunity: None None
Elemental Absorb: None None
Elemental Weakness: None None
Status Vulnerability: Darkness, Zombie, Poison, Float, Mute, Regen, Slow, Haste, Stop, Shell, Armor, Wall Darkness, Zombie, Poison, Float, Image, Mute, Berserk, Charm, Paralyze, Sleep, Aging, Regen, Slow, Haste, Stop, Shell, Armor, Wall
Initial Status: None None
Cannot Evade: None None
Creature Type: Human Human, Heavy
Command Vulnerability: HP Scan HP Scan
Special Properties: Critical Attack Tackle


The Butch and Cassidy of poaching don't display nearly enough affection for each other to show up simultaneously for a fight, and this marital strife allows for an opening for enterprising players. The fight starts with only Magissa, so with careful planning and preparation a player can weaken Magissa to just above the threshold where she calls her beefcake husband and then blitz Magissa down before she can get another action to call for backup. This is especially easy for Black Mage and Blue Mage who can snap the Ice Rod from Carwen over their knee to kill Magissa easily. While other classes may not be so lucky, they can still pull it off.

Attack Script


Condition: V00=00 & HP < 300 {
    No Interrupt {
         Display Text: Magissa: Honey! Come take out this trash!
         Unhide Monster: Forza
    No Interrupt {
         Change Target:Single Enemy, Not self
         Set V00=01
{Fire, Blizzard, Thunder}
{Aero, Special, Drain}


{Attack, Special, Attack}


The HP threshold where Magissa calls Forza defines this fight, as many parties will want to skip Forza for a faster, easier fight. Forza protects his wife by taking up the entire front row so Thief, Monk, and Knight are especially keen on not allowing Forza to show up, as they will deal halved damage to Magissa in the back while she peppers the party with miscellaneous spells and Drain (which can instantly kill most characters at full HP and heal Magissa for the damage dealt). Knights, Monks, and Thieves (notably harder for Thieves because they usually need to level to 11 for another point of M while being wary of the peculiarities of the knife damage formula) are strongly encouraged to count damage to skip Forza. Black Mages and Blue Mages notably can snap the Ice Rod to kill Magissa easily, so their choice is to make this fight easy or save it for Garula. White Mages are stuck with a slow slugfest they will eventually win (with Protect and the flail), but they and Thieves should be prepared for a long, drawn out fight.