Moore Pyramid

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once you grab the tablet you exit at the summit of the step pyramid
press the left and right switch to make a path through the spikes, the western staircase up is progress, the rest is for treasure
falling down the sand waterfall leads you here
hidden paths shown
treasure room behind the sarcophagus in the first room
the switches reopen doors after a trap closes them
walking into the treasure room triggers a snake trap, al chests should be assumed trapped in the pyramid. You can wait for the stairs and spikes to cycle to proceed
Mecha Heads patrol this room, if you spend enough time here the snake trap opens. Press the switch to lower the spikes to the black robe, but it triggers a snake trap too
top side of Mecha Head room
save point
hidden path shown, you'll have to drop down a sand waterfall to reach the treasure in the northeast room
fall down the first waterfall to reach the treasure in the previous room
press the left switch to get to the treasure
hidden paths shown, you can only get into the central room by dropping in from above
the tiles flip between two states, the northwest exit is progress
treasure room
tablet room