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Enemy Status
NAME Omega
Elemental Immunity: None
Elemental Absorb: Fire, Ice, Poison, Holy, Earth, Wind, Water
Elemental Weakness: Lightning
Status Vulnerability: *Zombie, Float, Image, Regen, *Invul, Slow, Haste, Stop, Shell, Armor, Wall
Initial Status: (always) Stop, Shell, Wall
Cannot Evade: Song
Creature Type: Heavy
Command Vulnerability: None
Special Properties: Critical

Name Omega
Level 119
Speed 76
HP 55530
MP 60700
Strength 115
Defense 190
Evasion 95
Magic 199
Magic Defense 150
Magic Evasion 90
Gil 50000
Exp 0
Steal Common: Nothing
Rare: Nothing
Drops Always: Omega Badge
Rare: Nothing


Omega is a superboss of Final Fantasy V. It is found in the interdimensional rift wandering too and fro after the first save point in the cave section. The player must sneak by Omega, lest they be jumped by a metaphorical robotic puppy seeking love and attention. While this is usually a harmless affair with puppy's in reality, the nigh unstoppable death machine is the exception. When gearing up for Omega the player needs to be prepared for the following:

Attack Script

(Atomic Ray, Delta Attack, Blaster)
Wave Cannon
(Rainbow Wind, Flamethrower, Atomic Ray)
Wave Cannon
No Interrupt:
    (Delta Attack, Blaster, Wave Cannon)
    (Maelstrom, Earthquake, Rainbow Wind)
(Rainbow Wind, Flamethrower, Atomic Ray)
Wave Cannon
React: HP Damage:
    No Interrupt:
        (Rocket Punch, Rocket Punch, Mustard Bomb)
        (Rocket Punch, Rocket Punch, Encircle)


Omega has innate Haste, Shell, and Reflect, alongside a Heavy flag to slough off status conditions (pretty much only Stop) that happen to land. Version differences change the dynamic of this fight, notably in defunct mobile and Pixel Remaster where Wave Cannon can miss.


The Bard class has all it needs to defeat Omega without support from any other class, but loves another class that provides damage. Bard can !sing Romeo's Ballad and due to Omegas "Can't Evade:Song" it'll always stop Omega in its tracks. On Defunct Mobile Omega will even glow while stop is active. While Omega is stopped it will not counterattack, and you can hit it with anything. Bard usually starts with 3 characters singing Romeo's Ballad, but through use of Swift Song one can accelerate to needing fewer characters dedicated to stopping the machine and can swap over to Hero's Rhyme, Sinewy Etude, or Mana's Paean to boost damage. If the player has none of the other ways to circumvent Omega's defenses or immunity, the Bard can opt to unequip its weapons and fish for unarmed fist crits for 6 damage each. While this will take an extremely long time, you have all the time in the world.


On GBA Beastmaster's !Calm ability is bugged and works on Omega. Just like Bard, Beastmaster can soothe Omega and lock it down while other characters deal damage. You can also !catch Yellow Dragons for an instant 9999 damage.


!Mix is absurdly powerful and you can use it to become nigh invincible to fight Omega on its own terms. There are two strategies for how Chemist handles this fight: Fast or Slow. The Fast strategy only works on SNES and Pixel Remaster, and involves using the Kiss of Blessing !Mix (Maiden's Kiss + Holy Water) to break Omega's script. As long as you can survive the physical attacks and slug it out with Omega it can be worthwhile. The slow strategy involves mixing to invincibility and slugging it out with Omega once buffed. Your Chemist will start with a Reflect Ring equipped (to protect yourself from Delta Attack) and !Mix a Levisalve (Antidote + Maiden's Kiss) in a nearby fight to get the float status to avoid Earthquakes and then follow this flowchart while chugging Elixirs when they get hit by Wave Cannon:

  • !Drink a Speed Shake (could also !Mix Turtle Shell + Eyedrop for Hasty-ade)
  • !Drink a Goliath Tonic (Elixir + Dragon Fang from !Mix)
  • !Mix Dragon Defense (Dragon Fang + Phoenix Down) for Protect, Shell, and Regen. (Also reflect, but since you have a Reflect Ring it does not matter)
  • !Mix Dragon Kiss (Dragon Fang + Maiden's Kiss) to grant yourself Dragon (useless in this fight) and Heavy (to block some of the instant kill attacks like Encircle)
  • !Mix Resist Fire (Ether + Eyedrop) for fire resistance
  • !Mix Dragon Power (Potion + Dragon Fang or Hi Potion + Dragon Fang) to increase your level by 20 until your level is above 99
  • !Mix Shadowflare (Dark Matter + Dark Matter) for damage until you win.

For Pixel Remaster, changes to Shadowflare accuracy makes it unreliable for fighting Omega. Instead, use Succubus Kiss (Maiden's Kiss + Turtle Shell) to deal damage after reducing Omega's defense with Turtle Soup (Turtle Shell + Antidote).

If you have another class capable of circumventing Omega's defenses you can give them !Mix and spend time mixing Turtle Soup (Turtle Shell + Antidote) to reduce Omega's defense.


!Rapidfire circumvents Omega's Evasion and Defense to deal direct damage, but also triggers 2 sets of counters (for 4 total). So long as you can handle that, Ranger is an incredible win condition.

Mystic Knight

Mystic Knight with Thundaga Blade can deal immense damage, but you have to contend with Omega's 95% Evasion. It's doable.

Coral Sword, Trident, Thunder Bow

If you can equip any of these weapons you can bypass Omega's defenses, but you will still need a way to circumvent Omega's 95% evasion. Dragoons and their !Jump will always hit.

Tri Reflect

Red Mage and Black Mage can use Thundara/Thundaga to bounce lightning damage off the party to hit Omega, circumventing its reflect. If you can dispel Omega's innate shell with the Wonder Wand, you can also do much more damage. On some versions of the game (SNES, GBA, PS, Defunct Mobile) Omega will not counterattack if the party takes damage, so you will run three characters with Reflect Rings and one character with Lightning resistant gear to take damage.


Summoner can cast Odin or Ramuh (Using the Wonder Wand to Dispel Omega's auto-shell Ramuh will deal more damage) though will need to handle Omega's counterattacks.


Samurai with their katanas or Monks with their fists can bypass Omega's defense through crits. You will still need a way to defy counterattacks and guarantee hits.

Time Mage

Time Mage has two strategies. Time Mage can roll the dice with Meteor or Comet (which can roll high enough to exceed Omega's high M.Defense) or can "quickleak" via casting Quick and then breaking a Venom Rod (aimed at a party member with a reflect ring to bypass Omega's innate reflect) and never taking the second action. Quickleaking will take somewhere around 2 hours for all the HP to drain out of Omega, and it does not work on all versions (It does not work on PR).


Axes quarter enemy defense, so Berserkers are a potent damage source against Omega. You will need a way to Stop Omega to allow Berserker to hit, however.