Triton Nereid Phobos

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Background 06 PC.png
Battle Formation ID: 483
Enemies: Triton
Escape%: Can't Escape
ABP gained: 20
Music Control: Track: The Fierce Battle
Visual Control: Intro: Normal
Parameters: Boss Battle
Denies Mute (Time spell)
Terrain: #06 - Cave
Oink, oink
Bacon boys


Name Triton Nereid Phobos
Level 37 20 39
Speed 35 40 45
HP 13333 13333 13333
MP 10000 10000 10000
Strength 55 54 55
Defense 0 0 0
Evasion 0 0 0
Magic 20 20 20
Magic Defense 25 25 25
Magic Evasion 60 60 60
Gil 0 0 0
Exp 0 0 0
Steal Common: Gold Needle
Rare: Elixir
Common: Gold Needle
Rare: Elixir
Common: Gold Needle
Rare: Elixir
Drops Always: Nothing
Rare: Iron Draft
Always: Nothing
Rare: Power Drink
Always: Nothing
Rare: Goliath Tonic


Enemy Status
NAME Triton Nereid Phobos
Elemental Immunity: None None None
Elemental Absorb: Fire Ice Poison
Elemental Weakness: Ice Fire Earth
Status Vulnerability: Darkness, Zombie, Poison, Float, Petrify, Dead, Image, Mute, Charm, Paralyze, Sleep, Aging, Regen, Haste, Stop, Shell, Armor, Wall Darkness, Zombie, Poison, Float, Petrify, Dead, Image, Mute, Charm, Paralyze, Sleep, Aging, Regen, Haste, Stop, Shell, Armor, Wall Darkness, Zombie, Poison, Float, Petrify, Dead, Image, Mute, Charm, Paralyze, Sleep, Aging, Regen, Haste, Stop, Shell, Armor, Wall
Initial Status: None None None
Cannot Evade: None None None
Creature Type: Undead Undead Undead
Command Vulnerability: HP Scan HP Scan HP Scan
Special Properties: Critical Attack Critical Attack Critical Attack


The three little pigs guard the third tablet and Meteor, and are spoiling for a fight with the player. Many fiesta teams do not need to touch the trench as Advance runs are required to enter the trench, Time Mage wants to run through the Trench to acquire Meteor, and Bards can use Requiem to blast everything in the trench away with little risk. Additionally, with the spring that refills the charges of the Magic Lamp, any team can summon Odin, annihilate this fight, and refill the Lamp on the walk out. This fight is a speed bump to any team that can reach it and it should be treated with similar respect.

Attack Script


Condition: Status: Single Enemy: Dead {
    Unhide Monster: 
    Delta Attack
{Attack, Attack, Nothing}
{Set Target: All Allies}
{Firaga, Firaga, Nothing}
{Attack, Attack, Flame Thrower}
{Attack, Firaga, Attack}


Condition: Status: Single Enemy: Dead {
    Unhide Monster: 
    Delta Attack
{Attack, Attack, Nothing}
{Ice Storm, Ice Storm, Nothing}
{Attack, Attack, Frost}
{Attack, Blizzaga, Attack}


Condition: Status: Single Enemy: Dead {
    Unhide Monster: 
    Delta Attack
{Attack, Attack, Nothing}
{Set Target: All Allies}
{Bio, Bio, Nothing}
{Attack, Attack, Rainbow Wind}
{Attack, Bio, Attack}


The Magic Lamp is an instant win condition, as Odin will always kill these three in a single stroke. The party can even refill the lamp on the walk out of the trench by dipping the lamp in the spring adjacent to the Dwarven Kingdom. The opportunity cost is negligible to doing this, so the lamp is the highest recommended strategy. If not using the lamp, multitarget damage is recommended to keep the trio from reviving themselves and casting delta attack. If the party has no multitarget damage, then it is recommended to count the damage dealt to each enemy so they can be defeated in quick succession to prevent delta attack.